What if...

Strategy Explanation: The drama strategy of “what if” can be applied to any improvised skit. A group of any number of people can work together on this strategy. The audience or facilitator suggests a “what if” question and the group has to act out the scenario and finishing with a solution. An example of this strategy could be "What if I was stuck in rush hour traffic on the way to school?"

Cross-curricular connections: This strategy encourages creative and critical thinking and could be integrated into any other subject area. In science, you could ask students to act out things pertaining to the curriculum such as what if we never recycled? Or for the social studies curriculum, you could ask students to act out what if the war of 1812 did not occur? Using this strategy also allows for students to express their knowledge in a new way and demonstrates that many ways of thinking are welcome in the classroom.

Differentiated Instruction: What if can be modified in many ways to include all students. Encouraging students to play a version of themselves in their what if scenario would require no accommodations as they would be acting as who they are.

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